viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Family and neighbours

Marta, our 6th form teacher, has got a small family. She lives alone in a house in the city.
Her street is noisy. In her street there are only houses.
Her neighbours are friendly and generous. Her favourite neighbour is a teenage girl who lives next door.

Matías and Sebastián

1 comentario:

  1. Dear children,
    I am Marcela Lococo, the English supervisor in Districts 16th and 17th.
    I have read all the interviews you made. They are very interesting and I learned a lot about the people at your school.
    Congratulations!!!!! I can see that you can communicate with others in English! How do you feel about it?
    Keep on working hard!!!!!!
    P.D: I also send my congratulations to your excellent English teacher!
